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by Grupo vKB, S.A.
Your Heliocentric Embassy of Unique and Exclusive Trips !!!

Welcome to Tool No. 1 of Self-Management of Consultation and Purchase of TRAVEL and TOURISM Services around the world ...

with which you will enjoy Business Trips, Tourism or “Bleisure” absolutely Complete and Unique as it has been for more than 24 years.

In your language ...

This Web Tool for Self-Management of Consultation and Purchase of Travel and Tourism Product Offers is available to communicate with you in 24 different languages ​​for your convenience, which allows us to count today with "PERMANENT AMBASSADORS" who, like you, They acquire our Services in more than 90 Countries of the Planet, also having a very Modern and Efficient "24 x 7" Multi-Language Help Desk Service, which is Exclusive for our Web Buyers, and which will allow you to Manage Quickly and Timely, all your possible needs for Modification, Addition, Change or Cancellation of Your Reservations and Services acquired by it.

In your Currency ...

All the Services that we present to you, you can acquire in the most comfortable way possible through our Secure Payment Platform or POS (Virtual Point of Sale) with 256-Bit Encryption Protocol of Banking Environment, in addition to having for your convenience, with a very practical Converter in more than 60 Currencies which will allow you to easily know the equivalent amount to pay in your own currency.

With Total Security ...

SUNEMBASSY.COM is an International Travel and Tourism Services Company owned by Grupo vKB, S.A. which is absolutely committed to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and what it represents, which is why our Actions have always been governed by the same concepts of Honesty, Quality, Simplification, Modernity and Uniqueness since our inception, and those that today allow us not only to be observed and held as one of the Most Serious and Responsible Service Providers in the World, but to continue generating in you, the greatest possible Confidence, by being able to fully understand all your precautions, and therefore put that special Emphasis on that our Travel Makers can, from the very beginning, provide you with the greatest possible support and with the greatest clarity in all the information and processes that we provide you (without tricks, without deception, without half-truths, without effects, without hidden charges, ...), so that these Timely Actions and better than anything, can talk about us as a Company and about the Security and Reliability that all our Management always e will transmit it to you.

SUNEMBASSY.COM maintains a very high score of 76.6 out of 100 Safe. Secure in the ranking of the world's largest Fraud Prevention Resource Company which works in official collaboration with the Federal Trade Commission in more than 191 countries, thereby providing the best security measures to help millions of people around the globe with issues that go, from identity theft protection to credit card fraud. .View Full Report

To learn more about our Company, we invite you to click on the link NOSOTROS , and to learn more about our < b> WEB Tool for Self-Management of Consultation and Purchase of OFFERS of Travel and Tourism Products We invite you to click on the link Nuestro BOOKING

Our suggestions of destinations of the week !!!

If you don't already have a Preset Plan Where You Would Like to Travel, these Featured Destinations could be YOUR BEST STARTING POINT

Highlighted Destinations

Top Ten of Most Purchased Hotels in the Week !!!

Explore here the NEGOTIATED OFFERS that made them SO ATTRACTIVE, or Discover Now THE PERFECT OPTION we have for your Accommodation needs by our APARTMENT FINDERS, HOTELS or SKI HOTELS to IRRESISTIBLE COST !!!

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"TRAVELER SENSE" Experiences

Get inspired by some of our + 3,600 Singular Experiences from "Trips with Meaning", which you can easily Consult and Acquire, filtering them by Continent, Country and even, by Category or Type of Activity Required . Enter now simply by clicking on the Banner below and ... LIVE NOW A RENEWING TRAVEL EXPERIENCE !!!

"MUCH + TOURISM" Concept

Get to know our 345.000 + Singular Experiences of Short and Medium Tours, Guided Tours, Preferential Tickets to Attractions and Events and countless Amazing Things to See or Do in the 5 Continents, which you can Easily Book and Buy or Mobile Device, which will allow you to purchase them with Anticipation or even already in Destination and "on the fly" (minimum 24 Hours before) for your convenience. We also have a Free Cancellation Policy up to 24 Hours before; 24/7 Multilingual Service and the World's Best Tourism Management Partner for it, with Millions of Opinions from Real Users of each of our Experiences. Come to know our Portfolio now by clicking on the Banner !!!


"Luxury rather than a reward is... A WAY OF LIFE» That is something we know very well and that is why we invite you to click on the following banner and start knowing that World Apart that our Specialized Department is responsible for building piece by piece as the best goldsmith for you to live the Most Incredible Experiences you have lived !!!

We are your Solar System of Offers and Promotions for an Absolutely Memorable Travel Experience !!!
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SUNEMBASSY.COM - sunembassy.com
C.T.C., 1209 North Orange St - 19801 - Wilmington, Delaware, Estados Unidos | Telephone

Av. Francisco Fajardo, Torre R S, San Bernardino, Municipio Libertador., Caracas, Dtto. Capital 1010, Venezuela | Teléfono +58 412 235.50.16

Pl. del Conde del Valle de Suchíl, Nro. 20, Chamberí, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid 28015, España | Teléfono +34 91 060.67.13

De los Semáforos de Rubenia, 2 Cuadras al Este, Managua, Managua 11163, Nicaragua


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